Dr. Steiner's Psychotherapy Tools

Resources & Links

  1. Resources & Links for Therapists
  2. Health & Advocacy Resources
  3. Recommended Readings

Resources and Links for Therapists


For Group Therapists - free online interviews available now!

It was an honor to be included in this exciting project put together by Leann T. Diederich, PhD, Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy. Here is the description:

"It is my pleasure to announce a new resource on our webpage, a Support Group Series (https://www.apadivisions.org/division-49/about/resources/index). This is a three-part series on creating and leading support groups, with interviews conducted in the fall of 2020. With a recognition that support groups can meet the needs of many people in the current times, this project was undertaken to share the wealth of knowledge about support groups with our members, and with the broader public. Many thanks to the Division 49 members who agreed to be interviewed: Drs. Molyn Leszcz, Christine Schmidt, Ann Steiner and Mr. Robert Klein."



Resources about race, equity and inclusion

What we all need to know about Racism

“Race and racism have rightfully been at the forefront of most people’s mind because of the attention recently being paid to it. It is sad that it took a cluster of public injustices and travesties to bring it to the forefront. Racism causes inequality and damages not only those people affected by it but society as a whole. The outcry started in the United States but is now being heard and displayed all over the globe. Read more.... Please share with others who may benefit.”  Dr. Michelle Maidenberg


Rachel Cargle, an anti-racism activist and educator recently posted a sign from a protest that captures an important reminder:

"Treat racism like you treat COVID 19:
1. Assume you have it
2. Recognize that you are not an expert about it and listen to experts about it
3. Don't spread it
4. Be willing to change your life to end it."


Here is an important collection of resources, compiled and curated by Sophia Aguirre, Ph.D., CGP.

Another important collection is listed on The Trauma Healing Institute's Anti-Oppression Resource page.


Articles, YouTubes and Videos

Check out Trevor Noah’s powerful and insightful video

Short YouTube How microaggressions are like mosquito bites • Same Difference

Article: For Our White Friends Desiring to be Allies by Courtney Ariel

Video: George Floyd and the Dominos of Racial Injustice by Trevor Noah

YouTube Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, Emmanuel Acho

YouTube Deconstructing White Privilege with Dr. Robin DiAngelo 20 minutes

YouTube Implicit Bias -- how it effects us and how we push through Melanie Funchess TEDx talk

YouTube No. You Cannot Touch My Hair! Mena Fombo TEDx Talk Bristol

YouTube Living with Depression and Anxiety with actress and activist Taraji P. Henson. This powerful interview includes her struggles with depression and anxiety while dealing with the pay gap in Hollywood, racial injustice, and generational trauma.


How Black Americans can Practice Self-Care and How Everyone Else Can Help Elizabeth Wellington’s powerful article in The Philadelphia Inquirer is valuable reading

How to be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi

Healing from the Effects of Internalized Oppression Easy- to read overview created by The Community Tool Box is a service of the Center for Community Health and Development at the University of Kansa

Internalized Racism Inventory Created by the Cultural Bridges to Justice

How Studying Privilege Systems Can Strengthen Compassion: Peggy McIntosh talks about her unearned white priviledge, at TEDx

Black Lives Matter Meditation for Healing Racial Trauma Created by Dr. Candice Nicole

The Dismantle Collective’s mission statement starts with “White supremacy and racism are serious problems in our society that affect us all. In addition to providing a space for conversation, The Dismantle Collective desires to be a starting point for white allies to do the work and engage in analysis, education, and action on anti-racism. The following documents may be used as tools to educate yourself, your peers, employees, committees, etc.

How to Be an Ally if You Are a Person with Privilege, Frances E. Kendall, Ph.D., is one of many articles and resources provided by the Dismantle Collective


Important Books

White Fragility: Why it is so Hard for White People to talk About Racism, Robin DiAngelo, New York Times bestselling

My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending our Hearts and Bodies, Resmaa Menakem, MSW, LICSW

How to be an Antiracist by Ibrahim Kendi

Advice for Talking to Children about Racism

This resource list is from the New York Times: 14 Antiracist Books for Kids and Teens Recommended by BIPOC Teachers and Librarians

In this New York Times bestseller, Ijeoma Oluo offers a hard-hitting but user-friendly examination of race in America: So You Want to Talk About Race

Sophia Aguirre, Ph.D., CGP wrote this suggestion: “I HIGHLY recommend supporting The Conscious Kid,  an amazing organization that provides parenting and education resources  that support racial identity development, critical literacy, and equitable practices in homes and classrooms. They utilize critical race theory (which is intersectional) to navigate how issues of race impact young children and their identity development.For a simple donation of $1 or $5 a month you get access to their awesome reading lists and other resources:

Here is another great resource to find diverse children's books: 


This is a good list adapted from The Conscious Kid


Group Therapy Training and Referral Resources

The American Group Psychotherapy Association is a multidisciplinary association and has over 2,000 members, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, clinical mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, pastoral counselors and creative arts therapists, many of whom have been recognized as specialists through the Certified Group Psychotherapist credential. The Association has 31 local and regional societies located across the country. Its members are experienced mental health professionals who lead psychotherapy groups and various non-clinical groups. Many are organizational specialists who work with businesses, not-for-profit organizations, communities and other natural groups to help them improve their functioning.

Northern California Group Psychotherapy Society is an interdisciplinary organization that provides training for therapists doing a wide range of group work. Their Annual Conference is held at Asilomar with many other training opportunities throughout the year.

The Psychotherapy Institute offers an advanced training program for clinicians interested in learning about group therapy. Their Clinic also offers a low fee therapy group.

FindGroupTherapy.com provides a comprehensive listings of therapy groups.

Note: To learn more about therapy groups, go to the article, Healing Power of Groups About Dr. Steiner's Therapy Groups, and read about my recently released manual for group leaders, Starting and Sustaining Groups that Thrive: Workbook and Planning Guide.

Social Media Resources

Dr. Keely Kolmes has made her social media policy available to clinicians: http://drkkolmes.com/for-clinicians/social-media-policy/


Therapist Self-Care Resources

Kelly Higdon has written these helpful Vacation Tips for Therapists. Check them out at: https://www.zynnyme.com/blog/2014/12/19/vacations-in-private-practice "

"What are your summer vacation plans? We think it's important for all of us to take time away from our practices because it can rejuvenate us, enliven creativity and prevent burnout.

But how do you take a vacation when you are in practice and it's just you? Or if you have a team to manage? And when we say vacation we really mean it - no checking social media, email or voicemail."

Want free private practcise resources? Miranda Palmer, LMFT, and Kelly Ogden, LMFT's website, www.ZynnyMe.com includes valuable blogs, articles and resources.


The Therapist's Professional Will™: Guidelines for Managing Planned and Unplanned Absence. This downloadable program for psychotherapists, provides easy to follow worksheets, templates and tips that prepare you to create your own therapist's professional will. Described as the definitive guide for therapists committed to their clients' well being in the event of the therapist's absence, this companion to her 6 hour Law & Ethics workshops.

Health Related Resources for Therapists

For Health Related Resources see this extensive listing.

For additional recommended reading about chronic illness please see Recommended Reading for Clients.

End of life and cultural issues: The American Psychological Association has prepared materials for psychologists who are treating an aging population and consult on medical issues. Many factors, including culture and ethnicity, determine thoughts about death. Download the pdf document entitled Culturally Diverse Communities and End of Life of Life Care.

Suicide Resource for Therapists

Safety Plan app is now available for download on iOS and Android. This completely free, government-developed app helps users create a Safety Plan (in conjunction with a therapist), which is an evidence-based intervention for managing suicidal thoughts. The app also offers interactive tools for management of difficult thoughts and emotions, distraction techniques for tough moments, and quick links to crisis support. Created with Veterans in mind, this app is intended for use by everyone. 

Download iOS- https://apps.apple.com/app/safety-plan/id1663044514

Download Android-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=gov.va.mobilehealth.ncptsd.safetyplan


Partial list of Dr. Steiner's Publications:

NEW! Recenlty released my latest book, How to Create and Sustain Groups that Thrive: Therapist's Workbook and Planning Guide, Third Edition, Routledge Books, this manual includes an overview of different kinds of groups, leadership strategies, tips for dealing with common group challenges, and more. These valuable tools will take you from defining your group's mission to helping your group thrive.

Help Your Group Thrive: A Workbook and Planning Guide, Routledge Books, is written for leaders of work groups, coaches, managers, book and service clubs. Written for the lay public, this book is also for leaders of community organizations, self-help groups, writer’s and critique groups, and students of the social sciences, among others. Available on Amazon or through your local independent bookstore.

In Process: Completing a self-help book, the companion text for her MP3 The Rollercoaster of Chronic illness: How to Add Joy to the Ride (in process.) Also see a list of related articles and publications.

Chapter contributor: Blotzer, Mary Ann and Ruth, Richard, Steiner, Ann: Sometimes You Just Want to Feel Like a Human Being: Case Studies of Empowering Psychotherapy with People with Disabilities, Paul H. Brookes, Maryland, 1995.

Co-author, Concerns of Women with Ovarian Cancer: A Qualitative Investigation Quality of Life Vol. 6, No 4 Dec 1998.

Her biography page has a more complete listing of Dr. Steiner's publications.

Also see Dr. Steiner's CD: The Rollercoaster of Chronic Illness: How to Add Joy to the Ride.


Please check back periodically for additional resources!



Disclaimer: This website is designed for educational purposes, and is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological care. If you require urgent medical or psychological services please consult a qualified professional in your area, or call 911.

Your Privacy is Important:

An increasing number of therapists discourage sending confidential information over the Internet since the Patriot Act allows the reading of private emails. Additionally, there are other challenges to maintaining confidentiality via the Internet.

If you have questions about Dr. Steiner's therapy groups, please call her at (925) 962-0060 or send an email along with your phone number, and a variety of times when it would be convenient for her to return your call.


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© Ann Steiner, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the author's written consent is prohibited.

Last Updated: November 10, 2023