Dr. Steiner's Psychotherapy Tools

Case Consultations

  1. For Therapists: Individual and Group Consultation
  2. For Self-Help Groups and Organizations

Consultations: For Medical Professionals, Health Care Providers

From individual consultation, in-service trainings for hospitals, agencies and organizations, I help health care providers understand patient's reactions to chronic conditions, and help increase empathy for their own challenges working with patients for whom there is no easy cure.

Most medical professionals entered medicine to cure patients and alleviate suffering. Working with patients whose conditions are chronic, presents unique challenges for their health care team. It helps to understand and review the normal stages of coping with fluctuating states of health. Often an in-service can help staff find new ways to cope with the unique stresses and challenges of dealing with this population.

Dealing with Challenging, Difficult, or Angry Patients

Often patients with chronic condiitons are overloaded with frustration and anger that they "share" with you. Sometimes they do this in ways that elicit empathy, and at other times it can be difficult to feel compassion for their situation. Generalizations are rarely valuable, but while work with this population can be rewarding and satifying it can be challenging as well. Helping you find ways to acknowledge the frustration of what I refer to as the Rollercoaster of Chronic Illness, can be difficult. Individual and Group Consultations with a psychotherapist who specializes in distinguishing between normal reactions and clinical depression, who knows when to refer for neuropsychological testing, etc. can be helpful.

I work with physicians, training institutions, health and wellness organization and foundations etc., to tailor my presentations to the particular needs of the staff. I believe in the importance of taking time to prepare for the training by learning in advance about the particular needs of each organization, your organization's unique culture, work stresses and challenges. If you would like to discuss how I can be of help to your group or organization feel free to call me at (925) 962-0060.

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© Ann Steiner, Ph.D. All rights reserved. Reproduction without the author's written consent is prohibited.

Last Updated: October 26, 2017